Infinite Characters

Automate character creation, streamline asset fitting, and create infinite variations instantly.
Your specifications, your topology, your characters, your assets.
We create your game-ready assets with Popul8TM Standalone Software or Popul8TM SDK.

Crowd Generation

Bring your worlds to life by instantly creating thousands of diverse, game-ready characters at scale. Fully customizable characters and always visually consistent. Engine-agnostic and built for any platform and engine. Popul8 empowers you to craft vibrant, dynamic environments with ease.

Automatic Asset Fitting

Automate garment and accessory fitting at scale for any character shape. Handle layering and rigidity while processing thousands of assets across different models. Apply a new asset to all or fit all assets onto a new character, ensuring accurate transfers and reducing manual work.

Game-Ready Assets

Generate game-ready assets that match imported specifications and topology, with optimized formats for smooth integration. Built for efficiency, assets work with any pipeline or engine. Supporting standard formats and Unreal/Unity compatibility, assets are ready for immediate use and integration.

Choose Your Popul8™ Version

Get started with Popul8 Express for fast, self-service character creation or Popul8 Enterprise for full customization and integration. Select the version that best fits your workflow and production needs.

Best suited for

Teams & Project Needs

Customer Support
Want a new feature?

Popul8 Express

Fast & Self-Service

Indie & Small Teams
Unreal, Unity
Annual Subscription
Standard Support
Tell us what you like

Popul8 Enterprise

Custom & Scalable

Large & Mid-size Studios
Unreal, Unity & Proprietary
License per Game
Full Client Support
Yes, we can do it!


Bridge to Unity & Unreal

Integrate Popul8 exported data into Unity or Unreal, enabling users to quickly bring characters into the game with accurate materials, animations, and optimizations.

Crowd Management

Manage and control how groups of characters (crowds) are generated, modified and optimised, ensuring varietey and performance efficiency.

Asset Fitting

Refit garments and accessories across diverse templates, body types, and face shapes, with user-controlled parameters for precise adjustments and customization.

Whether you're building expansive open worlds, crafting dynamic NPC systems, designing highly customizable characters, or optimizing large-scale asset pipelines, Popul8 automates character creation to fit your production needs.

Let's Get Started

Asset Import & Management

Import base characters, garments, and animations while exporting generated data for user iteration and refinement, ensuring compatibility with Maya, Blender, and other 3D software.

Visual Asset Editor

Visualize imported assets, even with errors, individually or combined. Apply edits like painting rigidity or culling regions to refine and optimize integration.

Shape Editor

Create base variations from a character, modifying body types (heavy, short, thin) and facial traits (nose, ears, jawline) to match the desired style and data requirements.

Features Comparison Table

Automate the tedious,
master the creative

Popul8 Editions


Popul8 Enterprise

Custom & Scalable

Popul8 Express

Fast & Self-Service

Asset Import and Management

Asset Importing

Asset Management

Skin Transfer / Auto-Skinning

Rig Transfer

Visual Asset Editing

Shape Editor

Create New Shapes

Bone Shaping Rig Transfer

Shape Editor Presets

User Customizable Shape Editor


Crowd Management

Crowd Rendering

Crowd Rendering (User Shader)

Optimized Project Data

Asset Fitting

User Defined Asset Fitting

Intersection Editing

Rigidity Painting

Culling Information

Manual Culling

Automatic Culling

The Bridge

Bridge to Unity

Bridge to Unreal

Bridge to Proprietary Engine

Bridge to Maya

Verification System

QA & Verification System

Headless (CI Integration)

Content Generation

Photo to 3D character

Concept Art to 3D character

AI Character Generator

Hybrid Editing

In Game Character Editor

Character Editor in Unity

Character Editor in Unreal

Character Editor in Proprietary Engine

Character Editor Configuration

Customer Services

Custom Features

Full Client Support


Teams & Project Needs

Asset Importing

Asset Management

Skin Transfer or Auto-skinning

Rig Transfer

Visual Asset Editing

Shape Editor

Bone Editing Transfer

Shape Editor Presets

User Customizable Shape Editor

Crowd Management

Crowd Rendering

Optimized Project Data

Asset Fitting

Intersection Editing

Rigidity Painting

Manual Culling

Automatic Culling

Character Editor In-Game

Character Editor Configuration

Bridge to Game Engine

QA Verification System

Headless CI Integration

2D (Photo) to 3D character

AI Character Generation

Hybrid Character Editor

Custom Features

Development As A Service

Project Admin & Setup

Popul8 API & SDK

Popul8 Express

Fast & Self-Service

Limited Configuration

Full capabilities

Deformable with no bones

Shapes, bones & skin weights

Full Capabilities

Full Capabilities

Full Capabilities


Custom shapes user specifications


Custom shaders




Full Capabilities

Full Capabilities

Fix all intersections automatically

Custom Editor Face and Body

Custom Editor Configurator

Unity & Unreal

Verify Asset (intersections, names...)


2D face photos & concept art to 3D

Synthetic 3D character generation

Mix 2 base templates

Bespoke features

Custom work (repo, cleanup data...)


Integrate Popul8 in your pipeline

Popul8 Enterprise

Custom & Scalable

Custom configuration & Bespoke

Full capabilities

Full capabilities

Shapes, bones & skin weights

Full capabilities

Full capabilities

Full capabilities

Custom presets (different topology)

Custom shapes user specifications

Full capabilities

Custom shaders

Full capabilities

Custom setup, bespoke

Full capabilities

Full capabilities

Full capabilities

Fix all intersections automatically

Custom Editor Face and Body

Custom Editor Configurator

Unity, Unreal, Maya, Custom Engine

Verify Asset (intersections, names...)

Auto-build, full capabilities

2D face photos & concept art to 3D

Synthetic 3D character generation

Mix 2 base templates

Bespoke features

Custom work (repo, cleanup data...)

Full Setup & onboarding

Integrate Popul8 in your pipeline